Revised 01/29/2004
Job Summary: A member of the support staff, the Library Assistant helps to maintain an environment conducive to learning and enrichment by assisting the Media Center Specialist/Librarian, students and staff with general library activities. Staff in this position meet testing requirements of ESEA federal law and are considered highly qualified.
1. Must enjoy working with children at various stages of development and in a school atmosphere.
2. Commitment to high standards and ethics, and ability to maintain confidentiality.
3. Ability to work as a motivated team member, take direction and constructive criticism, and follow rules and procedures.
4. Ability to work independently.
5. General clerical/technical equipment skills, or ability to learn.
6. Good oral and overall communication skills.
7. High School Diploma, or its equivalent. Title school staff require an associate degree, or 2-years college, or the ability to demonstrate high qualifications as dictated by ESEA.
8. Satisfactory background check as covered by Wisconsin Statute §19.32(1).
9. Physical Examination/TB Test as covered by Wisconsin Statute §118.25
Reports To:
Media Center Specialist/Librarian and building principal.
Small groups of students
The library when Media Center Specialist/Librarian is out of the building.
Position Responsibilities:
1. Assist Media Center Specialist/Librarian, staff, and students with general library activities.
a. General clerical duties to include, but not limited to material circulation, computer entry, filing, and record keeping.
b. General technical duties to include, but not limited to proper use, operation, set up, demonstration, programming and scheduling of audiovisual and library related equipment.
2. Assist in preparation of visual materials such as displays and bulletin boards.
3. Assist with recess, noon supervision, study hall, or bus line duty, if required.
4. Additional responsibilities and/or special projects may be assigned by the building principal.
5. Other specific duties may vary; a list will be available from the building principal, if applicable.
Terms of Employment:
1. Employment is based upon the negotiated calendar.
2. Classification, salary and benefits are dependent upon the Wautoma District Employees negotiated agreement.
Performance of this position will be evaluated in accordance with Board policies and the Wautoma District Employees negotiated agreement.
Thought from Daniel Webster
"Employment gives health, sobriety, and morals. Constant employment and well-paid labor produce general prosperity, content, & cheerfulness."
Staff Links
- Administration Topics
- Certification of Library Media & Technology Professionals
- Evaluation of Staff & Program
- Library Support Staff
- Policies & Procedures Clay County Library Media
- Proficiencies, Roles and Responsibilities of the Media Staff
- Progressive Librarian
- Role of Library Media Specialist in 21st Century
- Staff Structure
- Support Services