Thought from Daniel Webster

"Employment gives health, sobriety, and morals. Constant employment and well-paid labor produce general prosperity, content, & cheerfulness."

"Librarian" Job Titles - a Glossary

by Tim Wojcik

Note: has been removed from the resources - but here is the information that was posted at the time the link did work.

There are still traditional librarian jobs such as cataloger or reference librarian. But increasingly, current jobs are including non-traditional components. In the library world with its need to adopt leading edge technologies to sort, charge, and offer content, it is no surprise that whole new job titles have developed at an increasing rate.

This is Part 1 (*note part 2 was never published before site was removed) of a glossary of current library job titles. These descriptions will include core component responsibilities and also functions that often accompany a job of this description.

Access Services - This term is an update of the traditional "circulation" function. Circulation involves the movement of books and materials through the lending cycle of shelf, to patron, to return, and back to the shelf. This would include management of remote storage facilities, and access for persons with physical disabilities. In addition, access services often include these functions: managing reserves, building security, scheduling of student circulation staff, and responsibility for routine machine maintenance. Heads of access services have some responsibility for circulation statistics, and perhaps full reporting to the university or the director.

Acquisitions - Responsibility is the purchasing process. Involves the functions of ordering materials, verifying receipt of items purchased, authorizing payment for the materials, and working with vendors. The acquisitions librarians works closely with the collection development folks, or may actually perform degrees of collection development. Often, serials acquisition is included in acquisitions. Increasingly, acquisitions is the department which handles the business of licensing electronic materials. A knowledge of MARC and Anglo-American Cataloging Rules (AARC2) is often required to perform effectively.

Administration - Depending on the size of the library, these kinds of positions can be as complex as budget advisor, to functions as simple as taking messages for everyone. Many of the responsibilities of the administrative assistant apply, including "excellent oral and written communications skills". Use of word processing software, spreadsheet software, and use of a variety of business machines is expected. Experienced administrators usually handle the human resources jobs of the library. As primary library contact, the library office administrator usually becomes the interface with other university of government departments. Usually, the library office manager is the "telephony" expert. Maintenance of the schedule is a common administrative job. Checking invoices, and performing special projects are other common activities. At times, the administrator will take a turn covering at the reference desk to fill a scheduling gap.

Archivist - Primary functions include appraising, describing, classifying, arranging and preserving materials. The materials may or may not be historic, fragile, or intrinsically valuable. Materials may include books, other printed materials, recorded audio, motion pictures, art, antiques, and other archival content. Other duties include retrieving items from the collection for use by patrons, observing due care in the handling of the materials. Other duties are reference work and bibliographic instruction in the subject area, and the creation of exhibits. Responsibilities may revolve around a specific endowed collection A specific job may be a project which is limited to the establishment/"setting up" of a new collection accepted by the library. Cataloging experience is usually expected. For some extensive or well endowed collections, experience in digital preservation is becoming an expectation. A related job title is curator.

Cataloger - Two broader functions of this job are "Information Organization" and "Knowledge Management". This job usually includes original and complex copy cataloging. The materials may include books and monographs, serials, electronic resources, and foreign language materials. The tools used to establish and maintain "authority control" over the material include AACR2, LCSH, LCRI, and the DDC along with other vendor tools. Experience with OCLC is expected. Knowledge of current practices, new technologies, and trends in bibliographic control is expected. Other duties may include database maintenance, supervision of cataloging assistants, formulating department policies, and reference desk coverage. The cataloger is most often associated with the Technical Services department.

On Being a Systems Librarian
This short essay defines systems librarianship.